Saturday, May 31, 2008

New York, New York (Part 2)

So here we are on the Staten Island Ferry heading toward New York City across New York Harbor...yep, it was a bit windy.

Good Times in Rockefeller Center...where you can see all those white umbrellas below is the skating rink in winter time.

The happy clan at the Yankee-Mariners game...yeah, the Mariners got spanked by the Yankees and I wasn't very happy - but Emily and James didn't seem to mind.

The clock in Times Square.

There she stands...the Statue of Liberty from our view on the ferry. I honestly can't imagine seeing that lady at the turn of the century on a boat full of immigrants...what brave people they were.

Central Park: the fabulous juxtaposition between skyscrapers and lush greenery. Central Park is packed out on a sunny day like we had.

Here we are on the top of the MET - it's the garden cafe level that currently is holding the whimsical statues of Jeff Koons. I love the view from the garden cafe!

Jeff Koons' statue of a dog is entirely looks just like a mondo version of a balloon animal.

I have come to really love New York City, and I love the fact that it is becoming much more familiar to me. Granted - I don't leave Manhattan all that much, but I have been branching out a bit to the Bronx, Greenwich Village, Chelsea, Soho, and soon Brooklyn. I am also starting to understand why New Yorkers insist that NYC is the middle of the universe...EVERYTHING happens there! It is now so fun to watch news broadcasts, late night shows, movies, tv shows, etc. and see all the places that are now becoming so familiar to me.

James and I are excited to continue exploring this great city this summer...not sure that I'd want to live there, but it's great to be an hour train ride away. I still have these moments of feeling so "grown up" whenever I take the train up to Penn Station, and especially on the way home when I'm waiting to find out which track my train will be loading on. As soon as the track number is posted it's a massive rush to get on the train, and you've got to learn to poke a few elbows during rush hours to keep from being trampled. Yeah, I've been an adult for awhile but there's something about a small-town farm girl taking the train to Manhattan that gives a rush of real world adulthood. If I made that commute every day I'd probably go crazy, but for the occasional trip it's perfect.

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