Sunday, January 15, 2012

Madeline’s First Week Home

After 2.5 days in the hospital, James and I were ready to bring little Miss Madeline home to her new world. And I happy to say that I think she rather likes her new home. She has wasted no time in spreading her things all over the house – diapers, burp cloths, blankets, etc. Overall it has been a great first week!

We came home on a Saturday, and my parents were here until Tuesday morning. Then our sis Jessica arrived Tuesday evening, so we’ve had such great help as we transition to life with a newborn. Both my parents & Jessica have been willing to stay up with Madeline for the “first watch” at night, so I’ve been getting a few hours sleep before the feed/burp/change diaper cycle interrupts the night hours. That has been great! And we've had friends bringing us food and meals. Jessica has been off to the city for the weekend, so the last few nights have been our first taking care of baby just the two of us…it’s been going well, but I think we’re both excited for that day when you get a straight 6 or 7 hours of sleep again.

Here we are all ready to come home from the hospital:

We spent a lot of time cuddling with her this week.

She’s had her first baths, and hasn’t minded them too much.

Madeline is learning to make her demands known.

We are working on quality burp sessions in effort to minimize spitting up.

And since we aren’t hiring a professional photographer for infant photos, I’ve been trying to get a few photo sessions in with a new camera we got for Christmas from my parents. I haven’t hit any professional quality photos yet, but I have captured some of the many faces of Madeline.

We have absolutely loved becoming parents to this little girl, and I think it's still settling in to both James and me that she is ours to raise for the next 18+ years. God has blessed us so much with Madeline, and we are prayerful and excited for all that it means to be a mother and father to her. Here's to many more good weeks, kiddo!

1 comment:

em said...

she is so beautiful so glad you guys are doing well. why 2.5 days in the hospital??