Although my girl is not totally bald (she has more hair than I thought she would!), adding a headband to her outfit here and there definitely gives her a feminine touch. But I’m not a huge fan of really big headbands on a tiny baby’s head…large plastic flowers that cover half her head aren’t really my style. I tried to find some sweet and simple little headbands at Target, Baby Gap, Gymboree, etc, but I just wasn’t finding anything so I decided to make my own. And they turned out to be really easy and much less expensive than anything you could buy in a baby shop.
Here’s what you need:
1) 1/4" Soft stretch elastic, braided style
2) Fabric for rosettes, felt for bows
3) Hot Glue gun
4) Sewing machine (or you can hand sew)
I started by taking the elastic and wrapping it around Madeline’s head to see how long it should be. The elastic needs to be snug enough to stay on, but not too tight. Once you’ve measured around your baby’s head, measure the elastic length on a ruler—that way if you make more than one you don’t have to keep measuring your baby’s head. Then add an extra half inch or so to the length of the elastic before you cut it, and mark the extra length. This will be where you sew the overlap – I didn’t use pins or anything to hold it because the elastic is so narrow – I just held on to the overlapping section while I slid it through the sewing machine. And then you have the actual headband – easy peasy! Make sense?
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