Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Marine Corps Marathon

Here is James' running outfit as he had it laid out the night before...I laughed very hard.

James giving a shout-out to us at mile 19.

Marc, Chris and James - they all spent the summer training together at 6:00am to beat the heat. Christ had to pull out last minute due to injury, but I think they all have good memories of their training.

Marc and James very happy to be done.

Below is the Korean War Memorial.

Monday, October 20, 2008

3 Great Things...

1.) The Tempo: Don't Worry Padres - This isn't our car, just what we felt like doing to our car earlier this week. About a week ago our car decided not to start, and James and I were worried that this might be the end of our career with the tempo. We’d already pumped a fair amount of cash into the car this summer, so we weren’t thrilled to spend much more on such an old and used car. So we put off dealing with the car for a full week – we rode the shuttle to and from campus a lot, we walked several places, and bummed a few rides here and there. But when Saturday rolled around we figured we better get a diagnostic, so our friend Chris helped us roll the car down the street to Pep Boys. When the mechanic came out to take a look at the car, it took him about 2 minutes to figure out that the fuel line was entirely disconnected from the fuel filter. He popped the line back in place, the car started, and we left without paying a cent. That was an incredible relief and answer to prayer! The car still isn’t in perfect shape, but it’s enough to keep us going for awhile and that’s all we’re looking for.

2.) James is 25! Yep, he’s officially a quarter of a century and we had a wonderful birthday weekend. I wanted to hire these two amigos for a party, but we were underbudget in the event planning fund. So we decided to just meet up with several friends at “On the Border” for a good ol’ Birthday Fiesta, and then we carried the party on till the wee hours of the night back at the home-pad. Then on Saturday our car got fixed literally 20 minutes before we had to go pick up Steve at the train station, and we got to hang out with Steven for the whole weekend. The weather has been gorgeous and crisp and colorful and everything that you would expect from a pristine Autumn—I’m glad James was able to have such a fabulous birthday weekend.

3.) It’s fall break, which means that we have a full week to catch up on sleep and reading and cleaning and cooking good food. And it usually means some type of late-night t.v. addiction since we do not have to arise at any given time – so far it looks like the addiction of this break will be old Bond movies at Sara’s apartment since she gets them for free with On Demand. Last night we watched From Russia With Love, which was the first Bond movie I’ve seen besides Casino Royale. Sean Connery was a good lookin’ Bond back in his day! And then to top off fall break we get to spend the whole weekend in D.C. because James is running the Marine Corps Marathon this Sunday. It’ll be my second time in D.C. and James’ first time ever, so we’re gonna paint the town red.