Saturday, September 26, 2009


There is something special about Seattle that makes me love this city in a way that no other city could capture my heart. I’ve visited a fair number of big cities – New York, LA, London, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, Rome, etc. and each city certainly has its own unique vibe. But there’s just something about the vibe in Seattle that speaks to me. I suppose part of my attachment to Seattle is that I lived there for 5 years, whereas I’ve only visited all of these other grand cities. But I’ve reflected on this before, and I think there are some intrinsic factors to Seattle independent of my time spent there that make it such a fabulous city. I am going to list five.

1. Small town city. Seattle is not a very large city on the scale of major world cities – it’s much smaller than New York, or Chicago, or Paris. And yet it’s place as a mid-size city allows one to get the best of both worlds – the breadth of arts and cultural events that usually only cities can offer, yet Seattle has almost a “small-town” feel to its space. It’s not too big; there is space to roam. After living in Tokyo for three months this summer, space is something that I’ve come to value quite highly.

2. Distinct neighborhoods. All cities have various neighborhoods—NYC has its boroughs, Tokyo has its “kus,” and so forth. But I do think that the neighborhoods in Seattle have such unique and distinctive flair. Take the artsy neighborhood of Freemont, with its eclectic sculptures and funky buildings. Or the Scandinavian mark on the seafaring neighborhood of Ballard. Then you’ve got Queen Anne, with its quiet yet regal homes and lamp-lined streets looking out over the water. Then, of course, there’s Belltown and Downtown spotted with fabulous restaurants, beloved happy-hour spots, and high-end shopping. What would Seattle be without Capitol Hill and the Hipsters whose pulse beats to the music scene? And we can’t forget Magnolia, or Greenlake, or Capitol Hill, or West Seattle…so many niches to carve your own space.

3. Geographical Diversity. I honestly do not know of any city that has the range and close proximity to such incredibly diverse landscapes. Seattle has the ocean, lakes, rivers, canals, boat locks, and the mountains that encircle the city. You can even take one of the many ferries out to explore the San Juan Islands or hop over to the Olympic Peninsula for a rainforest excursion. It’s no wonder Seattle is consistently ranked one of the most fit cities in America—with access to kayaking, swimming, sailing, reams of bike and running trials, mountain hikes, and skiing, there is no reason to stay at home and mope (one just has to learn to be active in the rain).

4. Industry and opportunity: Seattle is home to some of the world’s largest businesses, notably Microsoft and Starbucks at the top. Then of course there is Boeing (although I realize that it’s corporate office has moved), and Nordstrom’s, and Tully’s, and on and on. Also headquarters to several amazing NGO's, including World Vision and PATH. Seattle has imbibed the entrepreneurial spirit that keeps this country moving forward.

5. Coffee. Of course I cannot forget to mention the coffee culture that is pervasive in this city. Most people know about Starbucks, and Tully’s, and Seattle’s Best. But what most non-Seattlites do not know about is the local coffee shops that Seattlites consistenly frequent: the Ladros, and Zokas, and Verites, and many, many, more. I love the role that coffee shops play in Seattle: not only the best cups of coffee you’ll find in the world, but a place to meet with friends, to study, to play chess, to people-watch, to enjoy sumptuous baked goods, to journal, and to unwind on rainy days.

This last time that James and I were in WA we had the pleasure of hanging in Seattle for a few days and re-visiting some of our favorite stomping grounds. Here is a little photo-journal of our days of old (and hopefully our days of future). The pics from today’s post are all from Ballard, where James and I both lived the year before we got married. In the next few days I’ll try to put up some pics from our day spent downtown.

The main plaza in Ballard, with its funky Scandinavian statues.

A great music spot that James loved to chill in on Sat. mornings.

La Carta de Oaxaca, amazing Mexican food in the best designed Mexican restaurant you will ever find:

Great Harvest Bread - enough said.

The High Life - a restaurant in an old firehouse that has the best Happy Hour on Planet Earth: $3 woodfire pizzas, $3 Ceasar salads, and $3 wine, beer and well drinks. How in the world can you beat that?

Ballard Sip-N-Ship - great coffee.

Cafe Verite - great coffee and cupcakes.

Cafe Fiore - another great coffee stop. (see, Seattlites really do spend loads and loads of time in coffee shops.)

Bel Mar - a lovely swank little bar.

King's Hardware - a regular stop on the ol' pubcrawls.

The Lock and Keel - a definite favorite for James and his room-mates (BJ and BJ). Many a night's spent here chillin' out after a busy day serving at Maggie Bluff's.

Another great bar on the pub-crawl route.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Home, Sweet Home

Upon our return from Japan, James and I were oh-so-happy to spend over two weeks with our wonderful families in the spacious and quiet town of Lynden. It was a stark contrast from Tokyo, and we were quite ready for the change. Our families loved up on us and spoiled us, and we had a fabulous time!

Here are some pics from a joint family BBQ:

James manning the grill with Alaskan salmon, compliments of Jessica:

Kris and Jennifer trying to play some kind of poker game:

The fam sitting around the BBQ pit:

And more BBQ pit...

And more BBQ pit.

Breakfast at Dutch Mothers with Leisha and Carly, and their babes - Avery and Noah

Blackberry pickin' - always a summertime favorite in the Pacific NW:

Silpada Jewelry Party:

Grandma Jean and I, sippin' some white.

Jennifer and Kris chillin' by the fire pit.

Lois and Shirley looking through the jewelry magazine.

The jewelry table:

Thanks, family, for the great two weeks at home!