Thursday, November 26, 2009

Birthday Boy

This post is late in coming, but on the eve of Thanksgiving I am immensely thankful for my husband, and for our friends who helped us celebrate James’ birthday this year, and for our family who sent James their birthday love.

James requested Red Velvet Cake this year, and after searching 4 stores I finally find red food coloring.

We went bowling for the evening, which was a grand time!

Karen and Al:

Me and Anna:

The boys having a team pow-wow:


James and Marc:

Ben, Karen, and Vivek:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Princeton v. Yale

Last Saturday James and I went to the Princeton v. Yale game with a group of friends. This game is supposed to be the biggest rivalry of the year...and this year the Tigers won! The weather was really nice, a perfect fall day to watch a game. We had a lot of fun, but I can't imagine that watching this game is anything like watching a Notre Dame game....maybe next year we'll just happne to be in South Bend, who can say?

Saturday, November 14, 2009


A few weekends ago we had the pleasure of having some friends from home come visit us here in Princeton. B.J. and Rachel Louws are friends from our hometown/SPU, and James has been good friends with B.J. for quite some time. They were out in Philly for a work conference, and then came and spent a weekend with us. It was great to catch up with them, and we spent an afternoon roaming around Philadelphia. Checked out the Liberty Bell again, Rachel and I visited the grand and large Anthropologie downtown, and we explored the grounds of Ben Franklin’s old house. I am always captivated by the incredible architecture in this city – so many fine and beautiful structures.

James and I on the grounds of Ben Franklin's home:

Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was drafted:

This building was the second bank established in the US: