Sunday, May 10, 2009

Raising Arizona: The Baby Shower

Last week we hosted a baby shower for some friends here at the Seminary, Chris and Sarah. But this baby shower was not your usual games and flowers kind of deal. Chris wanted to have a "Raising Arizona" themed shower, which is a movie by the Cohen brothers (most famous for the Big Lebowski). So James and I watched the movie with them before the party, and the basic premise is trailer park couple who steal a baby and raise it. Pretty funny.

Chris and Sarah are dressed as the main characters, H.I. and Edwina. Lookin' good!

Yep, here is our friend Marc dressed as a robber.

And here he is with the gumdrop bunt cake he made.

Sara McP and Alison are lookin' good...and Sara showed up with a little bun in the oven!

The Tempest

This spring semester I took a class called "Practical Theology and Drama." The seminary puts on a play every spring, and you can participate in it for credits. So when I heard that we were performing Shakespeare's The Tempest, and that I could get credit for it, I thought it would be a lot of fun. When else am I going to be in a Shakespeare play? I had no idea that I would end up playing the role of Iris (Goddess of Rainbows) and a nymph. This play is full of all sorts of mystical creatures on a magical island, and I had a blast being a part of it. I had a few lines as a goddess, and even a short solo...those of you who know my singing abilities will be laughing right now.

So, for your pure entertainment and at the risk of absolute embarrassment, I've decided to put a few photos of this fantastic experience up on the blog. I don't have any photos of the actual play yet, so these are all behind stage photos. Feel free to chuckle...I'll still be friends with you.
Here I am with my fellow sea nymphs.

This is a picture of the 3 goddesses: Ceres, Juno, and Iris