Friday, October 31, 2014

The Horse Farm

We have an Equestrian Center not far from where we live, that we affectionately call "the horse farm." I'd never visited there until this summer, and we've been going a lot lately. The horse farm is beautiful, butts up next to a forest preserve, is several acres of rolling hills and white picket fences and barns and horses and friendly volunteers and some interactive displays for kids. We often pack our blanket, bring some snacks and coffee, and just roam around the horse farm. There are lots of trails around the fields and into the woods, so it's the perfect place for a walk when you need to get away from the hustle and bustle. I think the reason I love it so much here is that it reminds me of home - of Whatcom County where there are all sorts of fields and farms and slow, quiet places.

Thankfully the girls love it too! This fall it has been especially picturesque there as the colors have turned. I took some photos at the Horse Farm two different occasions, one in early fall and one just recently with the late fall colors.

Again, a deluge of photos.

This girl is in such a fun phase right now. I feel like we've worked through some of our tougher times of tantrums, and not that they don't happen anymore but we seem to be in a better place. She is such a sheer delight and joy most of the time, so curious about the world, a running hilarious two-year old commentary on what is happening around us. She LOVES the horse farm and watching the horses. Notice the cow-girl boots she had to wear to the farm. Hopefully making her Auntie Jessica proud!

Here Madeline and Isabel were watching a few kids taking their horse-riding lessons. Every time the horse came near to us, they were just enamored. 

Ah, the many faces of Isabel Therese. Just love her little dimpled cheeks right now. 

This was our more recent trip to the farm. James was with us this time, and we all loved taking in the late fall colors on a walk around the fields. 

This was so sweet - the horse just walked up to these two and started nuzzling Madeline. She didn't quite know what to make of it!

Meanwhile, Isabel was doing her thing tossing leaves. 

I'll be a bit sad once all the leaves have fallen at the horse farm - it's been a great stomping grounds for the summer/fall.

Perfect Fall Fun

We've had such a perfectly lovely fall. I realize I must comment frequently on how beautiful it is outside, because Madeline often says to me: "Isn't it beautiful, mama? Aren't all the colors on the trees so beautiful?!?" Why yes, daughter, they certainly are. 

We've had so many crisp, sunny days and I've been trying to get outside as much as possible before ol' man winter descends upon the land and we find ourselves stuck inside. We recently visited our local zoo, and the girls had so much fun crunching the leaves, playing in the pumpkin patch, climbing the hay bails, and Madeline lucked out with a free ride on the "choo-choo-train." I think the woman running the ride had pity on her staring at it for 5 minutes, and there were not really any other kids around. Score.

Just a deluge of cute fall photos:

Isabel Theres 10 Months

Dear Isabel,

By the time I write this, you have actually just turned 11 months. But life is full, and your 10 month photos did technically happen before you turned 11 months! This month you have continued to charm us with your sweet smiles and lots of baby talk. You are moving around more and more, and have started trying to climb up the stairs. We finally had to get out the baby gate after you took a tumble off of the stairs (only one stair really, thank goodness!) You think your sister is so cool, and you still try to follow her around and do whatever she does. Sometimes she's a great big sis and brings you in on the fun; sometimes not. But it's so fun to continue to watch your relationship grow.

You are in a bit of a cling-to-mama phase these days. You don't really like to be left with the babysitter and the other kids during small group. And when I get home after a few hours of being out, either for work or errands or something, you cling to me and just bury your little head in my chest for a minute or two. I certainly can't complain about that!

Your top two teeth fully came in this month, unfortunately at the same time that you had a nasty cold. You also had a double eye infection, then your sister caught the bug, then me. At least I didn't get the eye infection part like you and your sister, but those were some rough days (weeks). Not that your top teeth have fully come through, you have 4 lovely teeth in your baby girl grin! Little miss, we love you to the moon and back and I can't believe we're rounding the corner to one year already!

Stretch it out, chunky legs!

Of course, what would a photo shoot be without your sister to join the fun!