Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I have recently discovered a few blogs that warm my heart and cheer my soul. I think the appeal of these blogs stems from my intense penchant for all things Anglo. Yes, I should have been born in England. I love Jane Austin, I love fox-hunting scenes with hound dogs and red jackets, I love croquet, I love tea and crumpets, I love reading studies with deep mahogany bookshelves and chocolate brown leather chairs, I am becoming more theologically Anglican everyday, and the list continues. Thus my newfound love of the following blogs:

A blog written by a man committed to excellent manners and all things gentlemanly...and certainly many good tidbits for the woman folk to pick up as well. Yes, manners DO MATTER and this blog reminds me why. Propriety is for the good of society.

This woman lives in the south and has excellent taste in interior aesthetics - the interiors that she features usually have some hint of Anglo influences. And she also has unique commentary on a wide array of art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should move to Canada to test it all out before you hop across the pond. The Canadians are the closest to Brits that you'll get here in North America...would you like some tea with that? :)