Sunday, March 27, 2011

Winter Projects

This has been a LOOOOONG Winter here in Chicagoland. It has been cold, and snowy, and freezing, and grey, and living in this climate takes some adjusting for a mild Northwesterner like myself. Thus I knew that I would want some indoor projects this year to keep me busy, and I put a sewing machine at the very top of my wish-list. And what-do-you-know if 'ol St. Nick didn't deliver a Brothers Limited Edition sewing machine to my Chicagoland winter doldrums doorstep. Although my progress is slow, and I am still very much a beginner, I have LOVED doing small projects with a sewing machine. It has definitely helped pass the winter, and I am learning a skill that I have long desired to acquire.

Some of my first projects were from Martha Stewart’s Encyclopedia of Sewing Book, which I have found very useful and would recommend for any novice sewer. The book explains all the basic terms and techniques of sewing, and has all sorts of fun projects for beginners. I decided to start with a few baby items for little Jacob Lane, an adorable baby boy that my cousin adopted a few months ago. They live on a farm, and I thought it would be fun to send a “farm theme” baby package to them. Here is what I made:

Our grandpa was a dairy farmer his whole life, and I have fond memories of riding in the John Deere tractor with him. This fabric was a special reminder to me of Grandpa Russ (Jacob’s great grandpa). I embroidered his initials on the blanket (His first name is Nathanial, middle name Jacob). And aren’t the little washcloth puppets adorable? Who doesn’t think a pig and a dog make bath-time way more fun?

I am slowly but surely working on more projects, and I’ve got some fabric ready to go for reversible place mats next. I am hoping that I can challenge myself with an article of clothing at some point in the near future. If only I lived closer to Lois, my masterful seamstress mother-in-law, I am confident I would be cranking out dresses and skirts by now! But, as usual, I’ve got to give myself some time before I become an expert. :0)

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