Friday, September 26, 2014

Isabel Therese Eight Months

Isabel Therese - you turned 8 months while you were home in WA state visiting family! It was a lovely time in WA, with hot, sunny days and lots of time with loved ones. You were quite sick when we traveled home - you'd been up to 104 degrees, couldn't keep any food down, and were the most miserable we'd ever seen you. Poor baby. Poor us - not much sleep and a difficult day traveling home!  But after a week or so, you rallied and finally you were back to your normal self. Unfortunately by then, you'd developed a bad habit of waking up several times each night. And we didn't feel like doing sleep training at Nana and Grandpa's house was a good idea. So that was a difficult part of month 8 for us.

But you did all sorts of fun things this month! We went to the mountains with Nana and Grandpa, and we roasted marshmallows, went swimming in the pool, went on a hike in which we ran into a Mama bear and her two baby cubs (scariest hike of my life, I sprinted with you strapped to my chest!), spent lots of time in Ama and Opa's backyard, hung out on the Pacific, and fully enjoyed July. And I finally finished your quilt that I've been working on for months, thanks to the help of your Ama. The graphic Charley Harper prints are so fun, I hope you enjoy it!

You have officially started crawling, although not very fast. You'd still rather just have us pick you up and move you where you'd like to go. You love to be held and cuddled! 

And of course you're sister can't stand not to join the fun!

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