Saturday, June 14, 2008

When it rains it POURS

Literally. It doesn't drizzle in New Jersey. In a matter of minutes the humid, sticky day turns a bit darker as the clouds infiltrate the sky and the wind picks up and the thunder starts to roar. And usually at this point, as luck would have it, I'm out getting groceries or running errands somewhere without an umbrella and there is nothing you can do but get SOAKING WET. And even with an umbrella you aren't going to stay very dry, because New Jersey thunderstorms insist on making everyone feel even more uncomfortable than they already were in the humidity of the day.
This has been very annoying to me - I can't tell you the number of times that I've been drenched and my shoes and socks have been submerged in the pools of water that develop in the streets because there isn't time to drain. But I suppose as I'm getting more used to these crazy and fickle thunderstorms I'm also starting to appreciate their beauty. There is always something awe-inspiring about the load clanging of thunder and the natural eclipse of light that the lightening brings. And thunderstorms here, unlike those in Seattle, mean that you can usually see the actual bolt of lightening streak across the sky - and that is a sight to take your breath away every time.
These thunderstorms have actually provided for some fun date nights for James and me. Last weekend we went to the Olive Garden with a gift card from Aunt Marilyn (thanks again Marilyn!), and on our way there the rain struck. Even with my umbrella we both looked and felt like drowned rats by the time we got inside. And my first thought was, "Great - I'm sticky and wet and uncomfortable, when all I want is to look pretty and feminine and cute on this rare occasion that we go out for dinner." But the drowned rat composure actually put us both in really "happy-go-lucky" moods and we had such a fun time together. And then tonight, again, I was caught in a thunderstorm while trying to find a fan for our bedroom - and I felt tonight like a sopping poodle on account of my previously curly but now wet and frizzy hair. I was so frustrated that I decided we needed some ice cream, so with a pint of mint cookies and cream James and I played one of our favorite card games tonight - golf. There is definitely something fun about being inside playing games in the midst of the thunder's roar and the lightening's vibrant bolts.
So as much as these thunderstorms drive me crazy, I'm trying to just roll with them...they play a good humbling role for all the citizens of New Jersey as nobody can come out looking good after being caught in one of these!

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